Fallon Genealogy

Fallon Genealogy

This data is derived from a printed genealogy probably originating with Bob Fallon.   The present HTML version is from Frank Clarke, rexxhead@yahoo.com.   Please email me with any changes to this list and I will include them and re-issue the list.

If, while chatting with another Fallon, it turns out that they haven't seen this, that means I don't have their email address.   Please feel free to forward this on to others who can provide more facts to flesh this out, or send me their email addresses and I'll do it.   Thanks.

As with the original, an asterisk (*) next to a name indicates that the person either never migrated to America, or later returned to Ireland.

This will also be installed on my personal website (you may be viewing it there right now) and updated there periodically as changes come in.

Last updated: 4 Jun 2021