/* REXX UPOE@#ST Will update the stats and TBMOD the table Written by Chris Lewis 19950308 Modification History 19950426 ctl Added DDNAME to pull in parms b/c of rewrite to SHOW@MEM; 20240310 fxc IDENT; 20241107 fxc allow 8-character userids; rc = trace("OFF") /* Ssshhh, lets be quiet */ address TSO "EXECUTIL TE" /* Just to be safe */ */ zerrhm = "ISR00000" zerralrm = "YES" address ISPEXEC "CONTROL ERRORS RETURN" parse arg tbl_name memname dataset vv mm created changed time, size init mod id ddname . parse var created crtyr "/" if crtyr < 100 then, if crtyr < 79 then created = "20"created else created = "19"created parse var changed chgyr "/" if chgyr < 100 then, if chgyr < 79 then changed = "20"changed else changed = "19"changed "LMINIT DATAID(BASEID) DATASET('"dataset"')" "LMMSTATS DATAID("baseid")" "MEMBER("memname")" "USER8("id")", "VERSION("vv")" "MODLEVEL("mm")" "MODDATE4("changed")", "MODTIME("time")" "CREATED4("created")" "CURSIZE("size")", "INITSIZE("init")" "MODRECS("mod")" if rc > 0 then do zerrsm = "Stats Error" zerrlm = "Unable to modify to the ISPF Stats. RC = "rc "SETMSG MSG(ISRZ002)" end /* rc > 0 */ "LMFREE DATAID("baseid")" "TBMOD" tbl_name if rc > 0 then do zerrsm = "Table Error" zerrlm = "Unable to modify to" tbl_name". RC = "rc "SETMSG MSG(ISRZ002)" end /* rc > 0 */ return /*@ UPOE@#ST */