/* REXX PLIMSGO adds error messages in-line with the compiler listing. Written by Frank Clarke 20010307 rexxhead@yahoo.com Modification History 20010717 fxc don't sort if only 1 token; 20030723 fxc split for two compilers 20240503 fxc change $ to @ everywhere; */ address ISREDIT "MACRO (opts)" "RESET" address ISPEXEC "CONTROL ERRORS RETURN" call A_INIT /* -*/ @z = Trace(tv) /* activate TRACE, maybe */ call B_COLLECT_REFS /* -*/ if sw.0BuildLog then, call ZB_SAVELOG /* -*/ exit /*@ PLIMSGO */ /* . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ A_INIT: /*@ */ address ISREDIT monitor = "0" parse source sys_id how_invokt exec_name DD_nm DS_nm, as_invokt cmd_env addr_spc usr_tokn tk_globalvars = "exec_name sw. monitor " call AS_SETUP_LOG /* -*/ parse source sys_id how_invokt exec_name DD_nm DS_nm, as_invokt cmd_env addr_spc usr_tokn parse value "" with, msgid. msgid sev stmt# msgtxt stmts. msg. , . parse value "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0" with, sw. , . push opts; pull opts; opts = Strip(opts,"T",")") parse var opts "TRACE" tv . parse value tv "O" with tv . /* guarantee a value */ sw.0DropLink = Wordpos("NOLINK",opts) > 0 sw.0BuildLog = Wordpos("LOG",opts) > 0 monitor = Wordpos("MONITOR",opts) > 0 IgnoreList = " IEL0239I IEL0533I IEL0541I IEL0916I ", " IEL0671I IEL0885I IEL0892I IEL0919I" return /*@ A_INIT */ /* . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ AS_SETUP_LOG: /*@ */ address TSO parse value "0" with, log# log. parse value Date("S") Time("S") Time("N") with, yyyymmdd sssss hhmmss . parse var yyyymmdd 4 yrdigit 5 mm 7 dd /* 9 12 14 maybe */ if Pos(yrdigit,"13579") > 0 then mm = mm + 12 /* mm=24 */ logtag = Substr("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX",mm,1) /* logtag=X */ subid = logtag""dd""Right(sssss,5,0) /* X1423722 ? */ vb4k.0 = "NEW CATALOG UNIT(SYSDA) SPACE(1 5) TRACKS", "RECFM(V B) LRECL(4096) BLKSIZE(0)" vb4k.1 = "SHR" /* if it already exists... */ logdsn = "@@LOG."exec_name"."subid".LIST" call ZL_LOGMSG("Log started by" Userid() yyyymmdd hhmmss) call ZL_LOGMSG("Arg:" argline) return /*@ AS_SETUP_LOG */ /* . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ B_COLLECT_REFS: /*@ */ address ISREDIT call BA_DELIMIT_SECTIONS /* -*/ call BB_FIND_MESSAGES /* -*/ call BP_POST_MESSAGES /* -*/ return /*@ B_COLLECT_REFS */ /* Find the Start-of-Source and label it (.SS), End-of-Source (.ES), Start-of-Messages (.SM) and End-of-Messages (.EM) . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ BA_DELIMIT_SECTIONS: /*@ */ address ISREDIT "CAPS OFF" "SEGMENT LABELS" address ISPEXEC "VGET LBLLIST SHARED" parse var lbllist . ".SRC" ss# lbllist "LABEL" ss# "= .SS " /* end of source statements */ call ZL_LOGMSG("Source starts at" ss#) parse var lbllist . ".ATTR" es# lbllist "LABEL" es# "= .ES " /* end of source statements */ call ZL_LOGMSG("Source ends at" es#) parse var lbllist . ".DIAG" msg_bgn lbllist "(text) = LINE" msg_bgn if Pos("NO MESSAGES PRODUCED",text) > 0 then exit "LABEL" msg_bgn "= .SM" /* start of messages */ sm# = msg_bgn /* save the line # */ call ZL_LOGMSG("Messages start at" sm#) if lbllist = "" then do "LABEL .zl = .EM " /* end of messages */ "(em#) = LINENUM .EM " /* save the line # */ end else do parse var lbllist . ".LINK" msg_end . "LABEL" msg_end "= .EM " /* end of messages */ em# = msg_end /* save the line # */ if rc = 0 & sw.0DropLink then do "X ALL .EM .ZL" "DELETE ALL X .em .zl" end end call ZL_LOGMSG("Messages end at" em#) return /*@ BA_DELIMIT_SECTIONS */ /* Locate the messages between .SM and .EM The position of "L" in "ERROR ID L" is the location of the severity indicator which must be S, E, W, or I The position of "MESS" in "MESSAGE DESCR" is the location of the message text which may continue onto following lines Parse out , , , and (possibly continued) Ignore any s in Ignore any s affecting only stmt# 1 Save unique MSGIDs in Save unique affected statements in Save msgid, severity, and text as . . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ BB_FIND_MESSAGES: /*@ */ address ISREDIT "LOCATE .sm" "F 'ERROR ID L '" "(text) = LINE .zcsr" sev_pos = Pos("L",text) - 1 txt_pos = Pos("MESSAG",text) - 1 stm_pos = Pos("STMT",text) - 1 msg = "" /* init */ do bbx = em# to sm# by -1 /* diagnostic messages */ "(text) = LINE" bbx parse var text cc 2 text /* snip off cc */ if text = "" then iterate if cc = "1" then iterate if Left(text,11) = "ERROR ID L " then iterate if Left(text,21) = "" then do /* continued line */ text = Strip(text) msg = text || " " || msg /* prepend */ iterate end /* continued line */ if Datatype(Substr(text,stm_pos,1),"N") then do /* new stmt */ parse var text msgid sev text if Wordpos(msgid,IgnoreList) > 0 then do msg = "" /* collected text */ iterate end if Wordpos(msgid,msgid.0) = 0 then, msgid.0 = msgid.0 msgid text = Strip(text) text = text msg /* splice ahead */ templist = "" /* init */ do while text <> "" parse var text stmt# text if Right(stmt#,1) = "," then do stmt# = Strip(stmt#,"T",",") if Wordpos(stmt#,templist) = 0 then, templist = templist stmt# /* attach */ end else do /* no trailing comma */ if Wordpos(stmt#,templist) = 0 then, templist = templist stmt# /* attach */ msgtext = text; text = "" /* shut down loop */ end /* no trailing comma */ end /* while text not empty */ /* now contains the actual message */ if "1" = Strip(STMTS.msgid) then do parse value "" with STMTS.msgid msg text msgtext delpos = Wordpos(msgid,MSGID.0) if delpos <> 0 then, MSGID.0 = Delword(MSGID.0,delpos,1) else say "DELPOS was zero for" msgid iterate end call BBZ_STORE_MSGTEXT /* -*/ end /* new stmt */ end /* bbx bottom up */ return /*@ BB_FIND_MESSAGES */ /* . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ BBZ_STORE_MSGTEXT: /*@ */ address TSO do bbz = 1 to Words(templist) stmt# = Word(templist,bbz) key = Space(msgid"."stmt#,0) MSG.key = Strip(msgid) Strip(sev) Strip(msgtext) MSG.key = Left(MSG.key,69)"..." call ZL_LOGMSG("MSG."key "=" msg.key) end /* bbz */ STMTS.msgid = STMTS.msgid templist /* save statement numbers */ return /*@ BBZ_STORE_MSGTEXT */ /* For each msgid in MSGID.0, acquire STMTS.msgid For each stmt# in STMTS.msgid, - find the statement between .SS and .ES - load MSG.msgid.stmt# as LINE_BEFORE . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ BP_POST_MESSAGES: /*@ */ address ISREDIT do bpa = 1 to Words(MSGID.0) /* each MSGID */ msgid = Word(MSGID.0,bpa) /* isolate msgid */ if Words(STMTS.msgid) > 1 then, STMTS.msgid = STRSORT(STMTS.msgid) /* sort the stmt#'s */ seq = "FIRST" do bpb = 1 to Words(STMTS.msgid) /* each affected statement */ stmt# = Word(STMTS.msgid,bpb) /* isolate statement number */ "F WORD '"stmt#"' .SS .ES 1 20" seq /* locate the statement */ key = Space(msgid"."stmt#,0) msgtext = " "MSG.key "LINE_BEFORE .zcsr = NOTELINE (msgtext)" seq = "NEXT" end /* bpb */ end /* bpa */ "L FIRST SPECIAL" zcmd = "&L NEXT SPECIAL" return /*@ BP_POST_MESSAGES */ /* . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ HELP: /*@ */ address TSO say helpmsg exit /*@ HELP */ /* . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ ZB_SAVELOG: /*@ */ address TSO if Symbol("LOG#") = "LIT" then return /* not yet set */ "ALLOC FI(@LOG) DA("logdsn") REU" vb4k.0 "EXECIO" log# "DISKW @LOG (STEM LOG. FINIS" "FREE FI(@LOG)" return /*@ ZB_SAVELOG */ /* . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ ZL_LOGMSG: Procedure expose, /*@ */ (tk_globalvars) log. log# rc = Trace("O") address TSO parse arg msgtext parse value log#+1 msgtext with, zz log.zz 1 log# . if monitor then say, msgtext return /*@ ZL_LOGMSG */