/* REXX KED Edit/Browse/View by DDName Use '(routine name) ?' for HELP-text. |**-***-***-***-***-***-***-***-***-***-***-***-***-***-***-***-**| | | | WARNING: EMBEDDED COMPONENTS. | | See text following TOOLKIT_INIT | | | |**-***-***-***-***-***-***-***-***-***-***-***-***-***-***-***-**| Written by Frank Clarke rexxhead@yahoo.com 19980216 Impact Analysis . SYSEXEC DUP . SYSEXEC FCCMDUPD . SYSEXEC LA . SYSEXEC TRAPOUT . (alias) KBR . (alias) KVW Modification History 19980508 fxc delete .PLIB when done 19991015 fxc upgrade from v.19971030 to v.19991006; new DEIMBED; 20010718 fxc block PFSHOW 20020314 fxc enable INSTALL 20230523 fxc adjust HELP; 20230530 fxc use MEMLIST for expanded member list when no member specified; 20230601 fxc DEIMBED now ALLOCs NEW DELETE; panel KEDH use &zup and &zcont; 20230723 fxc fixed 'L' option; 20230726 fxc adjust HELP; 20231015 fxc TBEND the table; 20240104 fxc use available profile if VIEW, EDIT; 20240305 fxc align panel names; 20240308 fxc chg dollar-sign to @ everywhere; 20240404 fxc changed tutorial to scrollable area; */ arg argline address TSO /* REXXSKEL ver.19991006 */ arg parms "((" opts signal on syntax signal on novalue call TOOLKIT_INIT /* conventional start-up -*/ rc = trace(tv) info = parms /* to enable parsing */ call A_INIT /* -*/ if \sw.0error_found then, call B_LISTA /* -*/ if \sw.0error_found then, call C_ACTION /* -*/ if @tn@ <> '' then, address ISPEXEC "TBEND" @tn@ exit /*@ KED */ /* . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ A_INIT: /*@ */ if branch then call BRANCH address TSO parse value "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0" with, ct. . parse value "VIEW" with, taction stat. @tn@ call AA_KEYWDS /* -*/ if sw.0error_found then return if Sysvar("Sysicmd") = "KED" then taction = "EDIT" ; else, if Sysvar("Sysicmd") = "KVW" then taction = "VIEW" ; else, if Sysvar("Sysicmd") = "KBR" then taction = "BROWSE" actionlist = "SEBV" action. = taction /* the default... when S */ action.E = "EDIT" action.B = "BROWSE" action.V = "VIEW" if sw.0FIRST then nop else call AB_TBCREATE /* -*/ return /*@ A_INIT */ /* . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ AA_KEYWDS: /*@ */ if branch then call BRANCH address TSO info = Strip( info , "T" , ")" ) sw.0FIRST = SWITCH("FIRST") sw.0Direct = SWITCH("FORCE") = "0" /* FORCE means 'show selection panel even if only 1 DSN' */ parse var info ddn . "(" mbr . mbr = Strip( mbr , "T" , ")" ) if ddn = "" then do zerrsm = "DDName is required." zerrlm = exec_name "("BRANCH("ID")")", "I can't 'edit by DDName' if no DDName is supplied, can I?" address ISPEXEC "SETMSG MSG(ISRZ002)" sw.0error_found = "1"; return end ; else, if ddn = "CMDS" then do ddn = "SYSEXEC SYSPROC" end if mbr = "" then mlit = "" /* no member */ else mlit = "MEMBERS" mbr /* set up for LISTISPF */ sw.0NO_MEMBER = mlit = "" if sw.0NO_MEMBER then sw.0FIRST = "0" /* ridiculous! */ return /*@ AA_KEYWDS */ /* FIRST was not specified. A table will be needed to display the selectable list. . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ AB_TBCREATE: /*@ */ if branch then call BRANCH address ISPEXEC "CONTROL ERRORS RETURN" @tn@ = "T"Right(Time("L"),6,0) /* */ "TBCREATE" @tn@ "NAMES(TABLEDSN MDATE MTIME", "DDNAME MUSER VV MM CDATE SIZE INIT MOD", ") NOWRITE REPLACE" if rc > 4 then do zerrsm = "TBCREATE" @tn@ "failed." zerrlm = exec_name "("BRANCH("ID")")", "TBCREATE failed RC="rc "SETMSG MSG(ISRZ002)" sw.0error_found = "1"; return end return /*@ AB_TBCREATE */ /* Get the list of datasets for this DDName. Pass the list on to the appropriate subroutine. . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ B_LISTA: /*@ */ if branch then call BRANCH address TSO "NEWSTACK" "LA" ddn "(( STACK LIST" do queued() pull ddname ":" dsnlist if dsnlist = "(EMPTY)" then do zerrsm = ddn "is not allocated" zerrlm = exec_name "("BRANCH("ID")")", "No datasets were found allocated to DDName" ddn address ISPEXEC "SETMSG MSG(ISRZ002)" sw.0error_found = "1"; return end if sw.0FIRST then call BA_LOCATE_FIRST /* -*/ else, if sw.0NO_MEMBER then call BB_LOAD_LIST /* -*/ else call BC_SHORT_LIST /* -*/ end /* queued */ "DELSTACK" return /*@ B_LISTA */ /* FIRST was specified. Find the first occurrance of this member and start an Edit/Browse/View session immediately. Set sw.0ERROR_FOUND so that no further processing takes place. . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ BA_LOCATE_FIRST: /*@ */ if branch then call BRANCH address TSO sw.0error_found = "1" /* cause early termination */ do dsid = 1 to words(dsnlist) dsn = "'"Word(dsnlist,dsid)"("mbr")'" if Sysdsn(dsn) = "OK" then do /* found one */ /* if WordPos( taction,"VIEW EDIT" ) > 0 then, tail = "PROFILE(DEFAULT)" else */ tail = "" address ISPEXEC (taction) "DATASET("dsn")" tail if rc > 0 then do pop1 = taction tabledsn pop2 = "returned RC="rc "in" pop3 = exec_name branch("ID") call X_POPMSG /* -*/ end return end /* Sysdsn(dsn) */ end zerrsm = mbr "not found" zerrlm = exec_name "("BRANCH("ID")")", "Searched" dsnlist "but did not find" mbr "anywhere." address ISPEXEC "SETMSG MSG(ISRZ002)" return /*@ BA_LOCATE_FIRST */ /* No MEMBER was specified. Load all DSNames to the list. . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ BB_LOAD_LIST: /*@ */ if branch then call BRANCH address ISPEXEC parse value "" with mdate mtime . do while dsnlist <> "" /* for each dsn */ parse var dsnlist tabledsn dsnlist /* isolate */ "TBADD" @tn@ if rc > 0 then do zerrsm = "TBADD failed." zerrlm = exec_name "("BRANCH("ID")")", "TBADD ended RC="rc "for" tabledsn "SETMSG MSG(ISRZ002)" sw.0error_found = "1"; return end end /* dsnlist */ return /*@ BB_LOAD_LIST */ /* A membername was specified. Find all the DSNames which contain that member and load them to the list. . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ BC_SHORT_LIST: /*@ */ if branch then call BRANCH address ISPEXEC do dsid = 1 to words(dsnlist) dsn = "'"Word(dsnlist,dsid)"("mbr")'" if Sysdsn(dsn) = "OK" then do /* found one */ mrc = Msg("OFF") call BCA_GET_STATS Word(dsnlist,dsid) mbr /* -*/ tabledsn = Strip(dsn,,"'") /* no quotes: dsn(mbr) */ "TBADD" @tn@ if rc > 0 then do zerrsm = "TBADD failed." zerrlm = exec_name "("BRANCH("ID")")", "TBADD ended RC="rc "for" tabledsn mdate mtime "SETMSG MSG(ISRZ002)" sw.0error_found = "1"; return end sw.0FOUND_MBR = "1" ct.found = ct.found + 1 /* how many ? */ end /* found one */ end if queued() > 0 then return /* more lines to process */ if \sw.0FOUND_MBR then do zerrsm = mbr "not found" zerrlm = exec_name "("BRANCH("ID")")", "Searched" dsnlist "but did not find" mbr "anywhere." "SETMSG MSG(ISRZ002)" sw.0error_found = "1"; return end /* member not found */ if sw.0Direct then, /* OK to process single DSN */ if ct.found = 1 then do /* there's only one... */ sw.0error_found = "1" /* Do it and bail out */ if WordPos( taction,"VIEW EDIT" ) > 0 then, tail = "PROFILE(DEFAULT)" else tail = "" (taction) "DATASET('"tabledsn"')" tail if rc > 0 then do pop1 = taction tabledsn pop2 = "returned RC="rc "in" pop3 = exec_name branch("ID") call X_POPMSG /* -*/ end end /* there's only one... */ return /*@ BC_SHORT_LIST */ /* . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ BCA_GET_STATS: Procedure expose, /*@ */ (tk_globalvars) vv mm cdate mdate mtime size init mod muser if branch then call BRANCH address ISPEXEC arg dsn mbr . "LMINIT DATAID(LMID) DATASET('"dsn"')" "LMOPEN DATAID("lmid")" "LMMFIND DATAID("lmid") MEMBER("mbr") STATS(YES)" parse value zlvers zlmod zlcdate zlmdate, zlmtime zlcnorc zlinorc zlmnorc, with vv mm cdate mdate , mtime size init mod . muser = zluser "LMCLOSE DATAID("lmid")" "LMFREE DATAID("lmid")" return /*@ BCA_GET_STATS */ /* The table is loaded. Display and process selections. . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ C_ACTION: /*@ */ if branch then call BRANCH address ISPEXEC call CA_SETUP /* -*/ "TBTOP" @tn@ "LIBDEF ISPPLIB LIBRARY ID("@ddn") STACK" do forever "TBDISPL" @tn@ "PANEL(KED)" if rc > 4 then leave do ztdsels "CONTROL DISPLAY SAVE" select /* what action this row ? */ when Pos(action,actionlist) > 0 then do l_action = action.action if sw.0no_member then, /* show the member list */ call CM_MBRLIST /* -*/ else do if WordPos( l_action,"VIEW EDIT" ) = 0 then, tail = "PROFILE(DEFAULT)" else tail = "" (l_action) "DATASET('"tabledsn"')" tail end /* is a member */ if rc > 0 then "SETMSG MSG(ISRZ002)" else if mbr <> "" then, if l_action = "EDIT" then do /* update STATS */ parse var tabledsn dsn "(" call BCA_GET_STATS dsn mbr /* -*/ "TBMOD" @tn@ end end /* SB or SE or SV */ when WordPos(action,"C D") > 0 then do parse var tabledsn temp "(" . address TSO "DUP '"temp"'" if rc > 0 then do pop1 = "DUP" temp pop2 = "returned RC="rc "in" pop3 = exec_name branch("ID") call X_POPMSG /* -*/ end end /* C */ when action = "L" then do call CM_MBRLIST /* -*/ if rc > 0 then do pop1 = taction temp pop2 = "returned RC="rc "in" pop3 = exec_name branch("ID") call X_POPMSG /* -*/ end end /* L */ when action = "P" then do parse var tabledsn temp "(" . address TSO "PDS '"temp"'" if rc > 0 then do pop1 = "PDS" temp pop2 = "returned RC="rc "in" pop3 = exec_name branch("ID") call X_POPMSG /* -*/ end end /* P */ otherwise nop end /* select */ "CONTROL DISPLAY RESTORE" if ztdsels = 1 then, /* never do the last one */ ztdsels = 0 else "TBDISPL" @tn@ /* next row */ end /* ztdsels */ end /* forever */ "LIBDEF ISPPLIB" call CX_TEARDOWN /* -*/ return /*@ C_ACTION */ /* . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ CA_SETUP: /*@ */ if branch then call BRANCH address ISPEXEC call DEIMBED /* -*/ dd = "" do Words(ddnlist) /* each LIBDEF DD */ parse value ddnlist dd with dd ddnlist @ddn = @ddn.dd /* PLIB322 <- PLIB */ "LIBDEF ISP"dd "LIBRARY ID("@ddn") STACK" end ddnlist = ddnlist dd return /*@ CA_SETUP */ /* . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ CM_MBRLIST: /*@ */ if branch then call BRANCH address ISPEXEC parse var tabledsn dsn "(" "LMINIT DATASET( '"dsn"' ) DATAID(SUP00)" dflt = Left( taction,1 ) "MEMLIST DATAID("sup00") FIELD(9) DEFAULT("dflt")" "LMFREE DATAID("sup00")" return /*@ CM_MBRLIST */ /* . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ CX_TEARDOWN: /*@ */ if branch then call BRANCH address ISPEXEC "TBEND" @tn@ @tn@ = '' dd = "" do Words(ddnlist) /* each LIBDEF DD */ parse value ddnlist dd with dd ddnlist @ddn = @ddn.dd /* PLIB322 <- PLIB */ "LIBDEF ISP"dd address TSO "FREE FI("@ddn")" end ddnlist = ddnlist dd return /*@ CX_TEARDOWN */ /* An error was detected. Pop up a warning message. . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ X_POPMSG: /*@ */ if branch then call BRANCH address ISPEXEC "VGET ZPFCTL"; save_zpf = zpfctl /* save current setting */ zpfctl = "OFF"; "VPUT ZPFCTL" /* PFSHOW OFF */ "ADDPOP ROW(+1) COLUMN(+2)" "DISPLAY PANEL(POP40BY3)" "REMPOP ALL" zpfctl = save_zpf; "VPUT ZPFCTL" /* restore */ return /*@ X_POPMSG */ /* . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ LOCAL_PREINIT: /*@ customize opts */ address TSO if SWITCH("INSTALL") then do /* install commands */ queue "KBR" queue "0" queue "SELECT CMD(%KBR &ZPARM) NEWAPPL(ISR) PASSLIB" queue "Browse by DDName" "FCCMDUPD" queue "KED" queue "0" queue "SELECT CMD(%KED &ZPARM) NEWAPPL(ISR) PASSLIB" queue "Edit by DDName" "FCCMDUPD" queue "KVW" queue "0" queue "SELECT CMD(%KVW &ZPARM) NEWAPPL(ISR) PASSLIB" queue "View by DDName" "FCCMDUPD" exit end /* INSTALL */ return /*@ LOCAL_PREINIT */ /* Subroutines below LOCAL_PREINIT are not seen by SHOWFLOW */ /* Parse out the embedded components at the back of the source code. . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ DEIMBED: Procedure expose, /*@ */ (tk_globalvars) ddnlist @ddn. daid. address TSO fb80po.0 = "NEW DELETE UNIT(VIO) SPACE(5 5) TRACKS DIR(40)", "RECFM(F B) LRECL(80) BLKSIZE(0)" parse value "" with ddnlist @ddn. daid. lastln = sourceline() currln = lastln /* */ if Left(sourceline(currln),2) <> "*/" then return currln = currln - 1 /* previous line */ "NEWSTACK" do while sourceline(currln) <> "/*" text = sourceline(currln) /* save with a short name ! */ if Left(text,3) = ")))" then do /* package the queue */ parse var text ")))" ddn mbr . /* PLIB PANL001 maybe */ if Pos(ddn,ddnlist) = 0 then do /* doesn't exist */ ddnlist = ddnlist ddn /* keep track */ @ddn = ddn || Random(999) @ddn.ddn = @ddn "ALLOC FI("@ddn")" fb80po.0 address ISPEXEC "LMINIT DATAID(DAID) DDNAME("@ddn")" daid.ddn = daid end daid = daid.ddn address ISPEXEC "LMOPEN DATAID("daid") OPTION(OUTPUT)" do queued() parse pull line address ISPEXEC "LMPUT DATAID("daid") MODE(INVAR)", "DATALOC(LINE) DATALEN(80)" end address ISPEXEC "LMMADD DATAID("daid") MEMBER("mbr")" address ISPEXEC "LMCLOSE DATAID("daid")" end /* package the queue */ else push text /* onto the top of the stack */ currln = currln - 1 /* previous line */ end /* while */ "DELSTACK" return /*@ DEIMBED */ /* . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ HELP: /*@ */ address TSO;"CLEAR" if helpmsg <> "" then say helpmsg ex_nam = Left(exec_name,8) /* predictable size */ say " " say " HELP for" exec_name " " say " " say " "ex_nam" finds members by DDname. All occurrences of the specified" say " member will be shown on a selection panel with its " say " datasetname and you may select it for Browse, Edit, or " say " View. If there is only one candidate member, it is " say " selected automatically (unless FORCE). " say " " say " "exec_name" is invoked via an alias (KBR, KED, or KVW) and" say " the alias used implies the default action: Browse, Edit, " say " or View. " say " " say " The panel allows for several actions other than Browse, " say " Edit, or View, including DUP, PDS, and a display of the " say " enclosing dataset's member list. " say " " say " more.... " "NEWSTACK"; pull ; "CLEAR" ; "DELSTACK" say " " say " Syntax: "ex_nam" mbrspec " say " FIRST " say " FORCE " say " (( INSTALL " say " " say " mbrspec is of the form 'DDName(Mbrname)'; DDName 'CMDS' " say " equates to 'SYSEXEC and SYSPROC' " say " " say " FIRST causes the member in the most preferential position " say " to be selected unconditionally for the action " say " implied by the invoking alias. " say " " say " FORCE results in the selection list being displayed even " say " if there is only a single candidate member. " say " " say " FIRST and FORCE are logically mutually exclusive. " say " " say " INSTALL loads your command table with commands KBR, KED, and" say " KVW. " say " " say " more.... " "NEWSTACK"; pull ; "CLEAR" ; "DELSTACK" say " " say " Debugging tools provided include: " say " " say " MONITOR displays key information throughout processing. " say " Displays most paragraph names upon entry. " say " " say " NOUPDT by-pass all update logic. " say " " say " BRANCH show all paragraph entries. " say " " say " TRACE tv will use value following TRACE to place " say " the execution in REXX TRACE Mode. " say " " say " " say " Debugging tools can be accessed in the following manner: " say " " say " TSO" ex_nam " parameters (( debug-options " say " " say " For example " say " " say " TSO" ex_nam " (( MONITOR TRACE ?R " if sysvar("SYSISPF") = "ACTIVE" then, address ISPEXEC "CONTROL DISPLAY REFRESH" exit /*@ HELP */ /* . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ BRANCH: Procedure expose, /*@ */ sigl exec_name rc = trace("O") /* we do not want to see this */ arg brparm . origin = sigl /* where was I called from ? */ do currln = origin to 1 by -1 /* inch backward to label */ if Right(Word(Sourceline(currln),1),1) = ":" then do parse value sourceline(currln) with pgfname ":" . /* Label */ leave ; end /* name */ end /* currln */ select when brparm = "NAME" then return(pgfname) /* Return full name */ when brparm = "ID" then do /* wants the prefix */ parse var pgfname pgfpref "_" . /* get the prefix */ return(pgfpref) end /* brparm = "ID" */ otherwise say left(sigl,6) left(pgfname,40) exec_name "Time:" time("L") end /* select */ return /*@ BRANCH */ /* . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ DUMP_QUEUE: /*@ Take whatever is in stack */ rc = trace("O") /* and write to the screen */ address TSO "QSTACK" /* how many stacks? */ stk2dump = rc - tk_init_stacks /* remaining stacks */ if stk2dump = 0 & queued() = 0 then return say "Total Stacks" rc , /* rc = #of stacks */ " Begin Stacks" tk_init_stacks , /* Stacks present at start */ " Excess Stacks to dump" stk2dump do dd = rc to tk_init_stacks by -1 /* empty each one. */ say "Processing Stack #" dd " Total Lines:" queued() do queued();pull line;say line;end /* pump to the screen */ "DELSTACK" /* remove stack */ end /* dd = 1 to rc */ return /*@ DUMP_QUEUE */ /* Handle CLIST-form keywords added 20020513 . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ CLKWD: Procedure expose info /*@ hide all except info */ arg kw kw = kw"(" /* form is 'KEY(DATA)' */ kw_pos = Pos(kw,info) /* find where it is, maybe */ if kw_pos = 0 then return "" /* send back a null, not found*/ rtpt = Pos(") ",info" ",kw_pos) /* locate end-paren */ slug = Substr(info,kw_pos,rtpt-kw_pos+1) /* isolate */ info = Delstr(info,kw_pos,rtpt-kw_pos+1) /* excise */ parse var slug (kw) slug /* drop kw */ slug = Reverse(Substr(Reverse(Strip(slug)),2)) return slug /*@CLKWD */ /* Handle multi-word keys 20020513 . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ KEYWD: Procedure expose info /*@ hide all vars, except info*/ arg kw kw_pos = wordpos(kw,info) /* find where it is, maybe */ if kw_pos = 0 then return "" /* send back a null, not found*/ kw_val = word(info,kw_pos+Words(kw))/* get the next word */ info = Delword(info,kw_pos,2) /* remove both */ return kw_val /*@ KEYWD */ /* . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ KEYPHRS: Procedure expose, /*@ */ info helpmsg exec_name /* except these three */ arg kp wp = wordpos(kp,info) /* where is it? */ if wp = 0 then return "" /* not found */ front = subword(info,1,wp-1) /* everything before kp */ back = subword(info,wp+1) /* everything after kp */ parse var back dlm back /* 1st token must be 2 bytes */ if length(dlm) <> 2 then /* Must be two bytes */ helpmsg = helpmsg, "Invalid length for delimiter("dlm") with KEYPHRS("kp")" if wordpos(dlm,back) = 0 then /* search for ending delimiter*/ helpmsg = helpmsg, "No matching second delimiter("dlm") with KEYPHRS("kp")" if helpmsg <> "" then call HELP /* Something is wrong */ parse var back kpval (dlm) back /* get everything b/w delim */ info = front back /* restore remainder */ return Strip(kpval) /*@ KEYPHRS */ /* . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ NOVALUE: /*@ */ say exec_name "raised NOVALUE at line" sigl say " " say "The referenced variable is" condition("D") say " " zsigl = sigl signal SHOW_SOURCE /*@ NOVALUE */ /* . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ SHOW_SOURCE: /*@ */ call DUMP_QUEUE /* Spill contents of stacks -*/ if sourceline() <> "0" then /* to screen */ say sourceline(zsigl) rc = trace("?R") nop exit /*@ SHOW_SOURCE */ /* . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ SS: Procedure /*@ Show Source */ arg ssbeg ssend . if ssend = "" then ssend = 10 if \datatype(ssbeg,"W") | \datatype(ssend,"W") then return ssend = ssbeg + ssend do ssii = ssbeg to ssend ; say Strip(sourceline(ssii),'T') ; end return /*@ SS */ /* . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ SWITCH: Procedure expose info /*@ */ arg kw sw_val = Wordpos(kw,info) > 0 /* exists = 1; not found = 0 */ if sw_val then /* exists */ info = Delword(info,Wordpos(kw,info),1) /* remove it */ return sw_val /*@ SWITCH */ /* . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ SYNTAX: /*@ */ errormsg = exec_name "encountered REXX error" rc "in line" sigl":", errortext(rc) say errormsg zsigl = sigl signal SHOW_SOURCE /*@ SYNTAX */ /* Can call TRAPOUT. . ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ TOOLKIT_INIT: /*@ */ address TSO info = Strip(opts,"T",")") /* clip trailing paren */ parse source sys_id how_invokt exec_name DD_nm DS_nm, as_invokt cmd_env addr_spc usr_tokn parse value "" with tv helpmsg . parse value 0 "ISR00000 YES" "Error-Press PF1" with, sw. zerrhm zerralrm zerrsm if SWITCH("TRAPOUT") then do "TRAPOUT" exec_name parms "(( TRACE R" info exit end /* trapout */ if Word(parms,1) = "?" then call HELP /* I won't be back */ "QSTACK" ; tk_init_stacks = rc /* How many stacks? */ parse value SWITCH("BRANCH") SWITCH("MONITOR") SWITCH("NOUPDT") with, branch monitor noupdt . parse value mvsvar("SYSNAME") sysvar("SYSNODE") with, #tk_cpu node . sw.nested = sysvar("SYSNEST") = "YES" sw.batch = sysvar("SYSENV") = "BACK" sw.inispf = sysvar("SYSISPF") = "ACTIVE" parse value KEYWD("TRACE") "N" with tv . tk_globalvars = "exec_name tv helpmsg sw. zerrhm zerralrm ", "zerrsm zerrlm tk_init_stacks branch monitor ", "noupdt" call LOCAL_PREINIT /* for more opts -*/ return /*@ TOOLKIT_INIT */ /* ))) PLIB KEDH HELP for panel KED )ATTR % TYPE( TEXT ) INTENS( HIGH ) SKIP( ON ) + TYPE( TEXT ) INTENS( LOW ) SKIP( ON ) _ TYPE( INPUT ) INTENS( HIGH ) ! TYPE( OUTPUT ) INTENS( HIGH ) SKIP( ON ) @ TYPE( OUTPUT ) INTENS( LOW ) SKIP( ON ) } AREA( SCRL ) EXTEND( ON ) )BODY EXPAND({{) +TUTORIAL {-{% Browse/Edit/View by DDName +{-{+TUTORIAL %Next Selection ===>_ZCMD + }hlptxt } )AREA HLPTXT + + Select any line or lines with%S, B, E, V, D (or C), L,+or%P + % S+is the default selector, starting a Browse, Edit, or View session + depending on the way the routine was invoked: KBR, KED, or KVW. You may + override the default selection by specifying % B+for Browse, % E+for Edit, or % V+for View + % D+(or C) invokes 'DUP' for the dataset specified. %DUP+works at the dataset + level irrespective of the member. + % L+displays a memberlist for the selected dataset. + % P+invokes 'PDS' for the selected dataset. + )INIT )PROC &ZUP = KEDH &ZCONT = KEDH )END ))) PLIB KED Main display )ATTR % TYPE( TEXT ) INTENS( HIGH ) SKIP( ON ) + TYPE( TEXT ) INTENS( LOW ) SKIP( ON ) _ TYPE( INPUT ) INTENS( HIGH ) CAPS( ON ) ! TYPE( OUTPUT ) INTENS( HIGH ) SKIP( ON ) @ TYPE( OUTPUT ) INTENS( LOW ) SKIP( ON ) )BODY EXPAND({{) %{-{ Browse/Edit/View by DDName +{-{ %COMMAND ===>_ZCMD + %S,B,E,V+- Br, Ed, Vw %L+- Member List %D+- DUP %P+- PDS %See HELP %| %V+Datasets allocated to%&DDN +- ----------------------------------------------------- -------- ----- -------- )MODEL _Z!TABLEDSN !DDNAME @VV@MM+@CDATE +@MDATE +@MTIME+@SIZE+@INIT+@MOD+@MUSER + )INIT .ZVARS = '(ACTION)' &ACTION = '' .CURSOR = ACTION .HELP = KEDH &ZTDMARK = '********************** END OF DSNAME LIST FOR &DDNAME + ***************************' &ZTDMARK = TRUNC (&ZTDMARK,79) )REINIT IF (&MSG = ' ') &ACTION = ' ' REFRESH (&ACTION) )PROC )END */