/* REXX JOBRC */ numeric digits 20 arg opts; monitor = WordPos("MONITOR",opts) > 0 address TSO a. = 0 ; c. = "" ; d. = 0 ; x. = 0 ; s. = "" c.psatold = Storage(21C,4) /* 4 bytes at offset 540 */ d.psatold = C2D(c.psatold) x.psatold = C2X(c.psatold) if monitor then say, Right("PSATOLD:",12) "C("Right(c.psatold,4)") ", "D("Right(d.psatold,8)") ", "X("Right(x.psatold,8)")" a.tcbjscb = D2X(d.psatold+183) /* locn of tcbjscb */ c.tcbjscb = Storage(a.tcbjscb,3) /* 3 bytes at offset 182 */ d.tcbjscb = C2D(c.tcbjscb) x.tcbjscb = C2X(c.tcbjscb) if monitor then say, Right("TCBJSCB:",12) "C("Right(c.tcbjscb,4)") ", "D("Right(d.tcbjscb,8)") ", "X("Right(x.tcbjscb,8)")" a.jscsctp = D2X(d.tcbjscb+262) /* locn of jscsctp */ c.jscsctp = Storage(a.jscsctp,3) /* 3 bytes at offset 261 */ d.jscsctp = C2D(c.jscsctp) x.jscsctp = C2X(c.jscsctp) if monitor then say, Right("JSCSCTP:",12) "C("Right(c.jscsctp,4)") ", "D("Right(d.jscsctp,8)") ", "X("Right(x.jscsctp,8)")" exit /*@ JOBRC */