/* rexx - list open tables */ /* from wjensen.lib.exec */ address ispexec st1l.1= 'table exists in the table input library chain' st1l.2= 'table does not exist in the table input library chain' st1l.3= 'table input library is not allocated' st2l.1= 'table is not open in this logical screen' st2l.2= 'table is open in NOWRITE mode in this logical screen' st2l.3= 'table is open in WRITE mode in this logical screen' st2l.4= 'table is open in SHARED NOWRITE mode in this logical screen' st2l.5= 'table is open in SHARED WRITE mode in this logical screen' st3l.1= 'table is available for WRITE mode' st3l.2= 'table is not available for WRITE mode' "control errors return" "qtabopen list(list.)" say '-'list.0 'tables found' do n=1 to list.0 say ' 'list.n if left(list.n,3)='ISP' then iterate if left(list.n,3)='ISR' then iterate "tbstats" list.n "service(srv) retcode(rtc)", "status1(st1) status2(st2) status3(st3)" /*say ' service:' srv 'rc:' rtc */ say ' status1:' st1l.st1 say ' status2:' st2l.st2 say ' status3:' st3l.st3 end