/* REXX Driver Copy this member with a new name to gain access to the executable code in the target library. If you already have one, just ALIAS the new name to the current one. Impact Analysis . (alias) EPETERS . (alias) LBDYCK . (alias) PRINO . (alias) PVELS . (alias) REXXMAN . (alias) WJENSEN Modification History ccyymmdd xxx ..... .... */ arg argline address TSO arg parms "((" opts opts = Strip(opts,"T",")") parse var opts "TRACE" tv . parse value tv "N" with tv . execds. = " 'fclarke.fb80.sysexec' " execds.EPETERS = " 'epeters.c.clist' 'epeters.e.clist' " execds.LBDYCK = " 'lbdyck.lionel.exec' " execds.PRINO = " 'prino.rahp.exec' " execds.PVELS = " 'pvels.tso.exec' " execds.REXXMAN = " 'rexxman.local.exec' " execds.WJENSEN = " 'wjensen.lib.exec' " rc = Trace("O"); rc = Trace(tv) parse source . . altuserid . "ALTLIB ACT APPLICATION(EXEC) DA( "execds.altuserid" ) " if rc > 4 then do say "ALTLIB failed, RC="rc exit end if WordPos( altuserid,argline ) = 1 then, parse var argline . exec_name argline else, parse var argline exec_name argline (exec_name) argline "ALTLIB DEACT APPLICATION(EXEC)" exit /*@ */