/* REXX DECOMM Remove all empty comment blocks. */ address ISREDIT "MACRO (OPTS)" upper opts parse var opts "TRACE" tv . parse value tv "N" with tv . rc = Trace("O") ; rc = Trace(tv) "X ALL" where = "FIRST" do forever "F '615c'x" where if rc > 0 then leave where = "NEXT" "(line) = LINE .ZCSR" startp = Pos('615c'x,line) /* start of comment */ endp = Pos('5c61'x,line,startp) /* end of comment */ if endp = 0 then iterate /* end comment on next line */ commtext = Substr(line,startp+2,endp-startp-2) if Strip(commtext) = "" then do line = Strip(Delstr(line,startp,endp-startp+2),"T") "LINE .ZCSR = (line)" end /* commtext empty */ end /* forever */ exit /*@ DECOMM */