logpref = "("Branch("ID")")" "LIBDEF ISPTLIB DATASET ID("isptlib") STACK" "TBSTATS" @tn@ "STATUS1(s1) STATUS2(s2)" if s1 > 1 then do zerrsm = "Table" @tn@ "not available." zerrlm = "Table" @tn@ "not found in the ISPTLIB library chain. ", "TBLGEN called to create a new table." call ZL_LOGMSG( logppref zerrsm";" zerrlm) address TSO "TBLGEN" tbltyp, "TBLNAME" @tn@, "LEAVE WRITE REPLACE", "((ISPTLIB" isptlib "ISPTABL" isptabl end; else, /* S1 */ if s2 = 1 then do /* table is not open */ "TBOPEN " @tn@ openmode.NOUPDT if rc > 4 then do sw.0error_found = 1 zerrsm = "Table did not OPEN" zerrlm = "Table" @tn@ "cannot be opened due to prior", "enqueues." call ZL_LOGMSG( logpref zerrsm";" zerrlm"; RC="rc) "SETMSG MSG(ISRZ002)" sw.0Error_Found = '1' end else , call ZL_LOGMSG( logpref "Table" @tn@ "opened" openmode.noupdt) end /* S2 */ else "TBTOP" @tn@ "LIBDEF ISPTLIB"