The Masts of the VASA

The Masts of the VASA

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When VASA sank August 10th, 1628, it sank straight down so that its masts stuck out of the water marking the spot.  The harbor was only about 30 meters deep; VASA's masts towered 52 meters above the keel.  For a few years they were a menace to navigation and an uncomfortable reminder of the loss of 4% of Sweden's treasury and little else.  Eventually the action of waves caused their collapse and nothing further was seen of the VASA. 

These 'masts' on the outside of the Vasa Museum are placed so that they would be at the proper height if VASA were moored at that spot. 

This is a big ship.  Had VASA not sunk, had she instead sailed into battle as intended, it would have been the Bismarck of its day.  Few, if any, ships then in service would have dared challenge this behemoth of the seas.